7 ideas for resting during the week

Some work days are busy and some are slow. Whichever way the day goes, it’s important to carve out time for rest so you can slow down, be present and recharge for the next day.

Each day after work, there’s two things I almost always do: exercise and cook dinner. After that, the evening is open to many possibilities. Some days I feel like reading for an hour after dinner and other days I dive straight into an episode of Homeland. Whatever I do, I try to choose an activity that fills my cup — even if it means watching TV for an hour or two.

I know it can be hard to find rest or engage in activities that feel relaxing during the week so I thought I’d share some of my favorite activities for slowing down and filling my cup.

1. Read a book. 

Reading is a great escape especially on those busy or stressful days where you just want to relax. Without a doubt, reading is my number one choice for shutting off my mind and escaping to a different place for a few minutes or an hour. 

2. Try a new recipe. 

Cooking is a great way to be present because it requires you to engage in an activity, follow directions and pay attention to the food you’re cooking. Since the middle of my week is dedicated to Hello Fresh in my household, Monday and Friday nights are usually dedicated to trying a new recipe from NYT Cooking or Half Baked Harvest.

3. Weed the garden. 

As a new homeowner, I’ve found weeding to be a chore that keeps me present. Instead of my mind reflecting on the day or running through tomorrow’s to-do list, my mind focuses on “why are there so many clovers taking over my flower beds?!” What’s even better is once I’m done weeding, I feel accomplished because I checked off a chore. 

4. Take a mindfulness walk. 

One of my favorite activities that helps me relax during the week is going on a mindfulness walk with my dog. A mindfulness walk is where you engage your five senses as you’re walking and ask yourself questions like: what do you hear, what does the air feel like, what do you smell? Using your senses can keep you in the moment and help you soak in your surroundings. 

My favorite time of day to go on a mindfulness walk is early in the morning when the birds are chirping or at dusk when the sun is just about to go down, the fireflies are out and bugs are humming.

5. Write for 10 minutes. 

If you find yourself with a spinning mind, sometimes it’s helpful to write it all down. Whenever I’m feeling really restless, I open my journal and write for 10 or 15 minutes.  It’s the best way for me to get everything out so I can enjoy the rest of my evening. 

6. Breathing exercises. 

Another way I rest during the week is taking time to breathe.

Here’s a breathing exercise I like to do: I lay down, usually on my bed, with my feet planted on the floor. Then I begin breathing with intention and focus on different areas of my body starting with the bottom of my feet planted on the floor moving up to my knees, hips, chest, shoulders and head. I imagine warm energy is moving through my body and this tends to bring me to a relaxed state. I do this for about 10 minutes or so until I go from my feet to my head and back to my feet. Afterward, my mind usually feels clear and relaxed. 

7. Go to bed on time. 

The biggest gift of rest you can give yourself during the week is going to bed. While most days I’m up past my bedtime, the days I do get to bed around 9:45 p.m. or 10 p.m. feel like the greatest gift to my future self. 

Finding rest during the week can be challenging, but even if you find yourself with 30 minutes or an hour, you can use that time to reset and rest. Hopefully some of these ideas inspire you to slow down during the week and make time to relax. 


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