Frequently Asked Questions

What is strategic communications?

Strategic communications can seem like a broad term, but to summarize it in one sentence: 

Strategic communications helps organizations achieve their goals by delivering key messaging through the right channels to their target audience.

Why do I need a communications strategy?

Communication is the vehicle for how we do business, work together and make a difference in our communities. If you have a goal to accomplish and an audience who you need to build trust with, then you need a communications strategy. 

Working together, I’ll help you create a communications strategy that outlines your goals and objectives, target audience(s), key messaging, implementation plan (which includes strategies and a timeline) and metrics for measuring the success of the strategy.

What is internal communications?

Employees are the most valuable people within an organization. Whether you have two employees or 300 employees, you need a strategy for how you deliver information that empowers people to do their best work.

Internal communications helps you deliver thoughtful, clear, and transparent communications to your employees. I partner with people leaders and business owners to develop communications that help their employees feel heard, seen and included.

What about public relations, marketing and advertising? Are those services you offer?

As a communications strategist, my expertise is in creating strategic communications plans, developing key messaging for your target audience and identifying the right channels to deliver that message. 

With my people-first approach, I work with organizations to develop messaging that is created with their audience (aka people) in mind first. Then, we will identify the best channels for delivering that message to your audience. To inform those channels, I use Gini Dietrich’s PESO model.

In many cases, a communications strategy will include a mix of public relations, marketing and advertising tactics. If we parter together to implement the strategy, I will provide copywriting, creative direction and project management for marketing and advertising tactics and help you identify partners for paid media or graphic design. I also bring a decade of experience in public relations and can support media relations, crisis communications and internal communications.

What is people-first communications? 

People-first communications is all about developing communications that help people feel heard, seen, and included. It’s a commitment to putting your audience first, listening to their needs, and building trust through open, transparent, and clear communications. I believe people-first communications will be necessary for organizations to keep their employees and customers in the future. 

Can you help me with content marketing? 

Yes! As a communications strategist, I believe communications strategy and content marketing work hand-in-hand together. 

Once you have a solid message and target audiences identified, we can use content marketing to reach your audience online and support lead generation using blogging, high value assets (think guides and white papers), case studies, social media and other tactics. (That also includes making sure your content is optimized for search using SEO best practices!)

Do you offer content writing services? 

Yes! I offer one-time projects and retainer services for content writing including blog posts, press releases, feature articles, annual reports, case studies, white papers and more! 

Do you offer editing services? 

Yes! I have served as an in-house copy editor for organizations and PR agencies. I edit content following AP Style guidelines. However, I am flexible and can edit content based on your brand’s style guide. (And if your company doesn’t have a style guide, I can create one for you!)

How do you feel about the Oxford comma? 

Being a trained writer in AP Style and journalism best practices, I use the Oxford comma only to add clarity when necessary. However, if your brand uses the Oxford comma or it’s something your audience has an eye for, then I will happily use it. 

Can I hire you for projects?

Yes! I am accepting clients on a project basis. Fill out this form to tell me about your needs and I’ll be in touch to schedule a discovery call.

Do you offer services on retainer? 

Yes! A retainer is the best way to go for organizations looking to develop a communications strategy and then implement it in a consistent, thoughtful way. My passion is helping organizations build a plan and then implement it from start to finish. Fill out this form to tell me about your needs and I’ll be in touch to schedule a discovery call.

Do you offer communications training? 

I do! Whether you’re a business owner or a marketing professional looking to hone your communications skills, I offer 1:1 training and workshops for teams. Fill out this form to tell me more about your needs.