What I read in January 2023

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I’m excited to share my first reading recap of 2023.

January tends to be a good month for reading for obvious reasons — nothing sounds better than curling up with a book when it’s freezing outside (although it’s been fairly mild in Michigan lately).

This month kicked off progress toward my 2023 reading challenge. I read two books for book club (books for January and February), one was a book that I started in 2022 and the other was a gifted to me over the holidays.

In these monthly reading recaps, I will share a list of the books I read and one review about my favorite or most interesting book from the month.

Books read in January:

Book review: Flight by Lynn Steger Strong

January was a really great reading month and I wanted to review every book. I landed on Flight to highlight as my January book review because it was a cozy holiday drama and the imagery really stuck with me. Flight was also memorable because of its style and characters.

Highlights of the book:

  • I love a good drama whether I’m reading it or watching on TV. Flight is about three siblings grieving their late mother who come together for Christmas to figure out how to handle their mother’s estate. While the book touches on topics of grief, what I liked about the story is that it brought together these siblings who all have very different lives and opinions, and shows how they wrestle with a big family decision together.

  • Flight reminded me of the writing styles of Early Morning Riser and The Paper Palace, which is what drew me into the book. I love reading books where the writing and imagery is so beautifully real and clear that you feel like you’re dropped right into the story and observing it from the sidelines. I finished Flight in a weekend.

That’s it for January! See you at the end of February for another reading recap.

I’d love to hear what you’re reading or what’s next on your reading list!


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