Makin’ changes

Image credit: Unsplash

Image credit: Unsplash

You ever have one of those weeks where everything you see on Instagram or read online seems to be sending you a message? OK, yes Google and algorithms are creepy like that, but I’m talking about those serendipitous signs that seem to carry the message you needed in a very specific moment.

That happened to me a few times this week. One of them was this article I stumbled upon on LinkedIn about change.

The past year has brought many changes for me, like millions of people around the world. I’m not alone when I say change is hard no matter how hard we try to embrace it.

But, change is also necessary if we want to grow. That’s something I’ve learned to embrace for what seems like a decade now. Change sometimes knocks me on my feet, but it almost always opens my eyes and heart to something new about myself. Most recently, I’ve been learning how to use all of the experiences I’ve gained in my career and shape them into what I believe is the foundation for how I work as a communicator and writer.

And that’s what brought me to today’s blog post.

In October 2019, I had a profound discovery, with the help of a therapist, that I could be a high achiever who also lives a slow, restful life. Since that very moment, it has been my mission to show up fully as myself in every given moment. That means showing up when it’s time to work. Showing up when it’s time to be present with family. Fully listening and being there for my friends and my life partner. It’s inspired a quest to build a life and career that’s fulfilling and focused on what matters most. While like much of life — filled with ups and downs and twists and turns — each year that goes by I find myself getting a little closer to myself.

So with all of that said, I’m finally sharing this on my blog with the world. I updated this website to reflect what feels natural for me and what I want to write. Knowing myself, it will probably change and evolve. I will probably get stage fright and face imposter syndrome. But I will come back. I will push through because this is what feels right, right now. And I know I’m not alone in this feeling.


Book Review: Trust Yourself by Melody Wilding


Enjoying the good life