My 2021 goals

Well hello there, 2021. It’s nice to see you there!

What a year it’s been so far. In some ways, it feels like 2021 is flying by. In other ways, I’m looking forward to February (let’s be honest, I’m already getting excited for Valentine’s Day. If I learned anything from 2020, it’s important to celebrate the little things!).

Last month, I reflected on 2020 in this post. I finally got around to writing my goals down in my PowerSheets, and thought I would share them here too.

my 2021 goals by olivia adams (1).png

Be you.

Yep. That’s right. 2021 is all about embracing and being confident in what I love and what brings me joy. No more downplaying my passions, favorite songs or styles I love.

Cultivate home.

Big news! At the end of 2020, Kyle and I bought a house. While we’re pretty much settled in now, I’m looking forward to adding our own finishing touches and style to the home, as well as finding special artwork to hang on the walls. Maybe we’ll also get to host more friends and family in 2021? A lady can dream!

Take care of yourself.

This year, I’m going to be kinder to myself and give myself a little more grace and compassion. I’m also really excited to be part of the Peloton community. One hundred rides, I’m coming for you!

Write for fun.

…Or really create anything for fun! As you can tell, I’ve been blogging a little more lately (if you count a post a month often.). Honestly, blogging is what feels right lately and I’m really excited to be writing (for me) again. I also have goals of outlining a book idea this year (say what!?). Oh, and I think this goes hand-in-hand with writing, but I also want to share more about what I’m reading. Maybe 2021 will be the year I become a #bookstagrammer?

I’m trying to approach goals in 2021 with grace and margin. No one really knows what’s in store for the year, but I’m hopeful it will be a year of growth, exploration and making myself at home, physically and personally/spiritually.

What goals are on your mind for 2021? Or did you say “no way” to goals this year? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!


Enjoying the good life


2020 reflections