The case for choosing “and”

For most (if not all) of my 20s, I was so focused on figuring “it” out, finding my purpose and carving my path.

I especially felt that pressure when choosing what to write about, especially on my blog. I felt like I had to choose between using writing to grow my career as a PR professional or only let it be a creative outlet. It was “either/or” for me. But whenever I would choose one or the other, I would still find myself missing what I gave up.

Maybe it’s because I’m older now and know myself a little better, but I have found myself lately choosing “and” over “either/or.” And I feel good about that.

I’m learning I can be a creative writer and a professional writer.

I can enjoy rest and slow living, and also have moments where I have to work harder or longer.

I can have a challenging year and enjoy happy moments along the way.

I can be a reader and go months without reading more than a few pages.

When you look at the world with “and” instead of “or” so many possibilities open up, and it’s honestly really exciting, inspiring, comforting and motivating.

This realization is empowering me to be both a writer and a communications professional (at least for now).

While in my mid-20s, I believed that I needed to climb a career ladder to find success. But I eventually decided that I don’t want to define success by my career. Success for me is how I make others feel loved, important, and included. Success is getting to spend time doing what I want to do and being with those who are most important to me.

When I look ahead to what I want out of my life (and career), it looks like being in a spot where I can be my full self and choose my work and how I get it done. It also looks like finding my voice again as a writer and sharing my words with the world.

It’s a little scary and feels a little vulnerable being “both/and.” I think that’s because the world is so often telling us to “choose, choose, choose.”

“Both/and” for me looks a lot like not putting pressure on myself to get it right or narrow my focus. And yes, I know that goes against practical career or business advice, too. But how am I going to find my path if I don’t explore and be curious?

So that’s why here on my blog and when you visit my website, you’ll meet a writer and creative who is also a communications professional.

One day I might write about something related to my career and other days (or most days) I’ll write pieces like this that come from my heart

Because through it all, this is why I write. Sharing my thoughts and experiences is how I’m doing my part to connect with others who may feel the same way or find themselves in a similar spot.

Those who are also wondering to themselves what would happen if they chose “both/and” over “either/or.”

It’s not always clear what the next right thing is, but when that next step shows itself, it’s okay to choose “and.”

Person looking up at stars

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