Be a snail

Snail crawling on road

“Now, don’t come out of the gate hot” are words often spoken by a coach at the beginning of a workout. It’s a reminder not to start the workout too fast or too hard so you don’t use all of your energy at the beginning and burn out.

“Coming out of the gate hot” is something I try not to do in a workout. I try to pace myself. However, when it comes to a new idea or goal, I love to jump right in and give it my all right away. But time after time, this has led to me quickly burning out, losing interest, or giving up before I had the chance to really grow something.

I would “come out of the gate hot.”

I’ve done that with writing and blogging. I did that with watercolor painting a calligraphy a couple years ago.

And now I have the urge to do it again as I return to writing this year. I want to go all in right now.

The other day, I saw a handmade greeting card with a snail on it that read “Slow and steady.” It reminded me to meet my urge to go all in on my goals with a slow and steady pace.

I know in my heart it will be worth it to take my time.

But my brain wants it all now. It craves the satisfaction of reaching a goal.

However, we all know the tale as old as time tells us that it’s the tortoise who wins the race, not the hare.

If you’ve set goals or intentions in the new year, it’s okay to feel like you want to go all in right now. But it’s also okay to take all of the time you need. At least that’s what I’m telling myself this time around.

So how am I going to approach my goal of writing more and showing up as my authentic self as a writer?

I’m going to be a snail. Slow and steady.


Wafer paper flowers and finding beauty in slow growth


My 2023 reading list