Idea hoarder

She’s a hoarder of ideas.

Hoarding ideas in the notes of her iPhone, in the depths of a vast Google drive, between pages of journals, and scribbled on corners of notepads.

Everywhere she looks is an idea that hasn’t been shared or brought to life (just yet).

But she had a good reason.

She’s holding onto her ideas for safe keeping. Holding on tight until the timing is right or one seems good enough to share with others.

She continues to hold her ideas close to her heart because somewhere inside of her is this little voice telling her…

“But what will people think?”

“Do you really believe in that?”

“Isn’t this idea just something so very silly?”

“Won’t someone else steal it?”

Then the voice fades into the background and the ideas get put away neatly on a shelf to look at and admire from afar.

As time goes on, the ideas continue to grow like stacks of books on her bookshelf. Each idea still holding its spark and filled with possibility, waiting for the moment to make a grand entrance into the world.

So with a little courage (and knowing fear is around every corner), the idea hoarder takes out a piece of paper and dreams of what it would look like if she actually shared it with others instead of keeping it for herself.

She wonders what magic may happen if she just took a small risk — a little bold step forward — to make an idea happen.

She sits in the warm glow of that feeling — imagining her ideas go from daydream to reality. Turning those ideas into her world. So she sits a moment longer and then says to herself, “Today, I’m no longer an idea hoarder.”

I was inspired the other day to attempt to write a narrative about a character. Maybe this narrative is about me — or it’s about you. Either way, I hope if you have an idea swirling around in your head, you share it with someone or follow your curiosity.


Thoughts on figuring it out, last meals, and authenticity


Wafer paper flowers and finding beauty in slow growth