Things I know for sure
What a year it’s been so far. Back in January, I’m sure many of us didn’t know what the year would bring. While there’s been a lot of uncertainty this year, here are some things I know for sure…
Walking does wonders for the mind and soul.
Reading a book can transport you to a different time and space, which is especially helpful when you need a brain break from the wild, crazy world.
Writing your thoughts down — even the mumbo jumbo — will help you think clearer.
Doing your best takes many forms. Some days it looks like knocking out a to do list and other days it’s waking up and getting dressed for the day.
Texting or calling a friend keeps life filled with joy. Even a simple “Hey, you’re on my mind today and I miss you” keeps the rhythm of friendship going.
Moving your body — in whatever form — can make you feel like a new person.
Cooking is a soothing, soul filling activity where you can take your mind off the world and focus on the task at hand.
Dance parties in the kitchen are must for celebrating the end of a day.
Giving yourself to permission to be yourself and follow what brings you joy is freeing.
Sweatshirts are cozy and fuzzy blankets are a hug.
Dogs totally live in the moment. Be more like the way of a dog.
Sometimes a movie night at home with popcorn and candy feels like a night out.
Breathing in — 1, 2, 3, 4 — and breathing out — 1,2 — brings the present into focus. So does using your five senses to feel the ground, smell the air, hear the birds and see the sky.
Never assume.
Taking one day at a time is all we can really do right now. Anxiety happens when we worry about the future.
These are some of the things I know for sure right now. They seem so simple, but I think that’s what 2020 is teaching me — we’re here right now.