Welcoming a new season

a new season by olivia adams.png

Most of us can all agree: it’s been a year.

Whatever goals or hopes we may have set in January probably look a little different now.

As I reflect on the months that have passed since March, I see a season of learning. Learning how to adjust to a new way of living. Learning how to find joy in new ways. Learning how to rest. Learning how to let go of the old and embrace the new.

I’m lucky I’ve had the opportunity to use this season as a time to create. I designed this website back in the spring and launched an Etsy shop in June. I spent the entire summer painting and reading in my free time.

As we enter autumn, I’m reflecting on the intentions I hope to set for the rest of the year. I want to spend more time writing, especially here. I want to allow myself to publish words online again, even if they don’t feel polished or perfect. I want to take a stab at outlining my idea for a book. I want to prepare my Etsy shop for the holiday season and create for the season, as well as gifts to give. I want soak in a slower season.

The first three quarters of 2020 taught me to be where you are. Be where you are now. I don’t want to miss this season by thinking ahead or wishing I would have spent my time differently or trying to figure it all out. I want to be here now and welcome a new season with all that it brings.


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